YouTube Money Stats: Earnings Per View, Monetization Rates, CPM


YouTube creators who are part of the Partner Program can monetize their videos with Google-placed ads and often it’s a big chunk of their overall income. But the amount of money different creators make per view varies based on a variety of factors like content category and viewer demographic.Business Insider spoke with dozens of influencers who broke down their CPMs (the rate advertisers pay per thousand ad views), and what they made on videos with 100,000 and 1 million views.Some also shared their monthly and yearly incomes, as well as their highest-earning videos of all time.Subscribe to Business Insider’s influencer newsletter: Influencer Dashboard.

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This is the latest installment of Business Insider’s YouTube money logs, where creators break down how much they earn.

Influencers who are part of the YouTube Partner Program can earn money off their videos with Google-placed ads.

But how much do they make? 

Many factors — like whether a video went viral, or whether the audience that watches their content is valuable to advertisers — will determine what a creator earns per paycheck. YouTubers are paid out monthly and either receive a check by mail or direct deposit. 

To start earning money from YouTube, creators must have at least 1,000 subscribers and 4,000 watch hours in the past year. Once they reach that threshold, they can apply for Partner Program.

Making money through Google-placed ads isn’t the only form of revenue for these digital stars. Creators on YouTube can earn their money a number of ways, from sponsorships to selling merchandise.

But revenue from Google ads is a big chunk of many YouTube stars’ incomes.

Over the last few months, Business Insider has spoken with dozens of YouTube creators about how much each of them make on videos with 100 thousand, 1 million views, and even 150 million views.

Some also shared with us their monthly and yearly incomes from YouTube, as well as their highest-earning videos of all time.

Here’s a comprehensive breakdown of what they said:

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